The Final Frontier for Hops or Half Acre's Attempt to Launch Beer into Orbit?

In an era where craft beer names have ventured from the quirky to the downright existential, Half Acre Beer Company boldly goes where no brewery has ventured before: straight to "Space." Not content with merely saturating terrestrial taste buds, they've launched an IPA that promises to warp your senses to the cosmos, because apparently, Earthly beer names were just too mainstream.

First off, let's talk about the audacity to name a beer "Space." In a single word, Half Acre has thrown down the gauntlet, challenging drinkers to ponder the infinite while sipping on their hoppy concoction. It's an IPA that doesn't just want to be part of your Friday night lineup; it wants to transcend space and time, offering a taste of the cosmos in every sip. Because, of course, when I think of the vast, unexplored reaches of the universe, my next thought naturally is, "But how would it taste as an IPA?"

Diving into "Space," one might expect to encounter flavors not of this world. And, in a way, you do. The first sip hits with the force of a supernova, exploding with hops that are both familiar and eerily alien. Citrus and pine notes orbit a malty core, creating a gravitational pull that draws you in sip after sip. But let's not kid ourselves; while "Space" may promise an interstellar voyage, the journey is more akin to a quick lap around the satellite dish in your backyard.

Half Acre's "Space" is a testament to the craft beer industry's ongoing arms race, where the quest for the most outlandish name knows no bounds. It's as if breweries across the globe are competing in their own space race, not for scientific discovery, but for the most eye-roll-inducing beer names imaginable. In this universe of puns and wordplay, "Space" is a black hole, absorbing all sense of reason and leaving us to ponder the existential question: "Have we gone too far?"

In the end, "Space" IPA is less about the final frontier and more about pushing the boundaries of hop experimentation. It's a beer for those who like their IPAs with a side of cosmic intrigue and a dash of pretension. So, here's to Half Acre Beer Company, who looked at the vast emptiness of space and thought, "Yep, that's definitely an IPA."

As we raise our glasses to the stars, let's remember that in the craft beer cosmos, the only limit is our imagination... and perhaps our tolerance for puns. So, whether you're an astronaut or just an astro-not, "Space" offers a little piece of the universe, conveniently bottled for your earthly enjoyment. Cheers to the next giant leap for beer-kind.

Cheers you, silly Bastards!

Bamms Money Malone

Hailing from the heart of the city where the beats are as hard as the streets, Bamms Money Malone, known in the ring and on the mic as "The Vanilla Gorilla," stands as a towering figure of raw strength and unbridled talent. Born with the name Bamms Money Malone, he swiftly outgrew the bounds of normalcy, forging his own path with the ferocity of a silverback and the swagger of a street-savvy entrepreneur.

Because Apparently, Beer Now Aspires to be Your Childhood Lunch


When Your Beer Sounds Like a Mythical Creature and Tastes Like Vermont Got Lost in a Hops Field